Delhi World Public Schools Are Different
“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” – Oprah Winfrey.
It is the Dipsites Pedagogy System (DPS) that make Delhi World Public Schools different from other schools. It is an innovative process to integrate the best ideas in education taken from all exemplary practices in India and across the globe. For instance, we borrow from the NaiTalim principles of Mahatma Gandhi whereby learning takes place by doing, where knowledge and activities are not separated from each other, and the virtuous character of the child is built to stand the test of time. We strive to make the principle of universal peace and tolerance the basis of Dipsites Pedagogy System (DPS), so that every child coming to us is nurtured to inculcate a habit of humility by the time they are ready to leave the warm environment of school and set example in daily life endeavours to make our future world a place of harmony and goodwill towards all beings.
Emphasis is laid on learning from the Environment combining spiritual philosophies integrated with different subjects in the curriculum. The DWPS ethos of Equity, Compassion, Cooperation and Service before Self is its earnest endeavour.

Holistic Development Oriented Teaching Approach
With specific focus on providing multiple exposure platforms to students with the aim of mitigating the stage fear, facilitating confidence of every child is the forte of our offering.
Learning through the Collaborative Effort of Teachers-Classmates
Emphasizing and motivating to create a collective learning space wherein convergence of multiple ideas from all students is facilitated for better learning, exploration, discovery and enhance learning opportunities for all to learn from each other.
Infrastructural Development
The school building is touted to become the benchmark for eastern part of India while integrating the planned outdoor facilities and development of outdoor learning zones within its aesthetically pleasing landscape design.
Smarter and Healthier Classroom
Well-ventilated and well lit classrooms equipped with the most advanced smart class technology, audio visual learning aids and high precision projection systems with customized curriculum to implement innovative pedagogy for holistic development outcome.
Counselling and Wellness Support
A team of expert and experienced career and psychological counselors shall be available who will be accountable for helping students remove the barrier to academic achievement and support social and emotional development.
A Council of students
A council of students is the student-led body of the school representing democracy and stewardship. Apart from inventing ideas over many matters related to students’ welfare, the council also shares its thought-provoking ideas. It gives spaces for the students to recognize a multiple of issues and propose innovative yet implementable solutions.